Picture Location & Creation Services


Do you need one or more pictures to illustrate a document or display on your website, but lack the time to look for the pictures yourself, or don't know where to look for them?

Do you need one or more specific photgraphs taken, for incorporation in a document or display on your website, but lack the time or facilities to take them yourself?

Do you need one or more special graphs or charts of your data, to illustrate a document or display on your website, but lack the time, knowledge or facilities to create them yourself?

Do you already have one or more pictures that either don't quite meet your requirements, or need to be combined or manipulated in some way, but don't have the time, knowledge or facilities to do the manipulation yourself?

Do you need one or more diagrams, backgrounds, or other special graphic elements for incorporation into a document or display on your website, but lack the time, knowledge ro facilities to create them yourself?

If your answer is yes to one or more of these questions, then you have come to the right place. Here at Aardstorm we can find or create a wide variety of pictures, diagrams, graphs, charts, and other graphic elements to your specification. At your request, we can search the various commercial picture libraries, for the picture(s) you require; we can take photographs to match your requirements; or we can create the picture(s) and other image(s) you require either from scratch, or by modifying and combining other pictures that have either been found or taken by us, or supplied by you.

The remainder of this section describes the picture location and creation services provided by Aardstorm in more detail. To aid this description, our services are described separately below and on subsequent pages. You can use them as separate stand-alone services, or together. You can also use them in conjunction with our website design service or authoring service to commission us to produce or locate the pictures to illustrate for your website or document.

Picture Location Service

There are a large number of commercial picture libraries that each offer thousands of images, produced by professional photographers and artists, for licensing for a wide variety of commercial and editorial uses. Here at Aardstorm we can use our experience and expertise to search these libraries to locate pictures that meet your requirements, and are available for licensing for your required use. Once we have found suitable pictures, we will normally offer you several alternatives so that you can choose the exact picture(s) that you require. You can then either license the picture(s) directly from the appropriate library, or we can license them on your behalf, although we will pass on to you all licensing terms and conditions, the library's fees, and an additional handling fee of our own.

Click here for further details of our Picture Location Service.

Custom Photography Service

Maybe the picture(s) you require do not exist on the commercial market; perhaps you want pictures of your premises, staff, or products. In this case our professional photographer can visit you, or some other location, to take the photographs that you require.

Click here for further details of our Custom Photography Service.

Picture Creation and Manipulation Service

Perhaps the picture(s) you want neither already exist, nor can be created as direct photographs. In this case we can use our expertise to artificially create the picture(s) you require from one or more other pictures. We can, for example, remove a distracting background from pictures of your products, or we can combine elements from several pictures to produce a composite. We can also create other types of images to your specification, such as diagrams, graphs, or charts, or use special text manipulation effects to create special headings and logos, etc. Combining this service with our authoring service means we can create a wide variety of graphically-intensive documents for you, as well as simply providing illustrations.

Click here for further details of our Picture Creation & Manipulation Service.