Link To Us

If you run a website and would like to link your site to ours, then you are welcome to do so. We would prefer you to link to our home page, but you may link to any other page, provided you display the page in full, complete with our site navigation features, and do not try to make the page appear to be your own.

Example html code is provided below to make it easy for you to link to our home page: simply copy and paste it into your page where you want the link to appear. You may then wish to modify the code to conform to your site style. This link opens our home page in a new window so that you do not loose your visitor!

Once you have linked to our site, a simple notification e-mail with your URL to the webmaster at this site would be much appreciated.

Example Code

The following code creates a link to our home page such as this: - The authoring, picture, and website design service for small businesses